Neighbor to Neighbor

Foundation Level CareDoula® Training

Families | Friends | Neighbors | Caregivers | Volunteers

Helping each other from serious illness through end of life.

 The intention of this basic foundational training is to bring awareness and conversation to communities to help the caregiver, volunteer, friend, family member, or neighbor of a person who is dying. 

 You may be a companion to someone yourself, or you may be participating through a professional care circle. Being aware of the following concepts will greatly aid you in providing the best and most meaningful support. 

 You may study this on your own or facilitate a discussion group or just get together with a couple of family members and friends. This is by no means an exhaustive list of things to consider, but at CareDoula® School of Accompanying the Dying, we believe these considerations are among the most important for the layperson among a care circle of someone who is dying. And while this list is not meant to be exhaustive or to be thought of as “quick fixes,” let it guide you in considering possibilities on further reflection. Know that there are written works and years of research and study on each of these conditions and phenomena. And, of course, don’t do anything without the advice of your medical team. 

 As an advocate for a person who is dying, you may be able to make the difference in a powerful way because you will understand what you are dealing with. This training is meant to prick your awareness in the same way as learning to ride a bicycle did. Once you learn, you will never forget. Know that it can often take some time to get to the root of each of these issues. There is no easy answer to apply, but with this awareness, you can do much to change the quality of someone’s life by helping your person get answers through their healthcare team and through your own family and community wisdom.

Have questions? I can help.

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